The International Day of People with Disability is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions of the one in five - Western Australians with disability.

Friday is International Day of People with Disability

By Rise
29 November 2021
Let’s work together to build a more inclusive WA that empowers people with disability to participate meaningfully and connect with the community. You can read about some of the initiatives at Rise to empower people with disability including the Employment Buddy Program and sponsorship of the As We Are Awards on our website.  

IDPwD celebrates the achievements and contributions of people with disability. Here’s some of the accomplishments from members of Rise’s community:

Jessica Eikelboom 
Business owner, artist & volunteer 

Jess hand paints clay pots with beautiful designs and sells them across Perth.
Her family and support team are always looking for ways to support Jess to live the life she chooses and what could be more empowering than starting her own business.  
Jess enjoys going to the shops to buy all the materials and gifts for her pot hampers. “Meeting her customers is a really good opportunity to practice social skills. She loves to make other people smile,” says Annette, Support Worker. 
Jess’s pots are available from her Facebook page StudioJ20. They make a beautiful gift that supports a young person to live the life she chooses.  
Chrissie Terpos
Award Winning Artist

Chrissie Terpos won the Stephen Delower Memorial 3-D Award for her masterpiece titled “Bruce" at this year’s As We Are Exhibition at the Perth Convention Centre.  Chrissie attends Rise’s Arts Hub every Tuesday and Thursday. After spending many years at the centre knitting, she thought she would give pottery a go. Since then she has made many amazing ceramic creations.
Jacob Murray
Head of Catering for Rise’s End of Year Event

Jacob has been busy working behind the scenes to provide an awesome menu for this year’s end of year party for the people we support. Jacob has a very important role within the committee and says “It has been a good experience, but I am really nervous about the day. I want to make sure everything goes smoothly”.
Part of Jacob's role is to attend weekly meetings, offer his ideas, visit local catering companies, plan the schedule and collect all the equipment he needs for the day.
Celebrate the day with these community events across Perth:
PTA Access Open Day – Transperth & Transwa
Want to learn about using Transperth and Transwa and build confidence when using the services? Come and join the PTA’s Access Open Day. 

All Abilities Dance Night
The evening will include:
– Demonstrations from dancers living with a disability
– Sports wheelchairs available to experience Para Dance
– Vision altering glasses
An AUSLAN interpreter will be present and light refreshments provided.
iFLY Perth Indoor Skydiving
iFLY Perth Indoor Skydiving is proud to host an all abilities event where anyone with physical or cognitive disabilities can enjoy the sensation of flight.
More events across Perth are available here

Are you a person with disability looking for a rewarding career?

Rise recognises people with disability have the skills, knowledge and lived experience to help us create a better work place. Learn more about our disability employment inititiative here.
General enquiry
New client enquiry

(08) 6274 3700

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