Utilising supported, facilitated workshops, the candidates undertake a twelve week skills-based program including two, four-hour, ‘Buddy’ hosted work experience placements in a role(s) that they hope to pursue further as a career.

As part of the program an organisation will receive training and financial contributions to support the young person with disability to gain valuable experience as a member of the workforce during the four hour work experience placement. Benefits for the participating organisational employers include:

  • Increased disability and inclusion awareness
  • Build the organisation’s reputation and image within the community
  • Reflect the community in which staff and customers live
  • Be acknowledged across Western Australia as an inclusive organisation

Participant Ryley and the LP Visuals team share their experience with the Employment Buddy Program, in the video below.

Employment Buddy FAQs

What do employers need to do?

In order to give the young person the opportunity to experience supported employment and gain insight into specific roles and responsibilities while in the workplace, organisations will be asked to nominate a workplace mentor (Buddy) who will work alongside the young person during the four-hour work experience placement.

We will provide the organisation's buddy a free online eLearning course if they want to learn more about disability awareness, advocacy, and mentoring.

What are the benefits to the candidate?
How does it work?
Who will be the young person assigned to us and what will the young person’s skills be?
Insurance during the work placement.
The support behind the program
This is a joint initiative between Rise and Essential Personnel. Together we have identified the 15–24-year-old cohort for the program due to their being more than three times as likely as those aged 25-67 to be unemployed (25% vs 7.9%) (AIHW 2020).
 Rise is a large organisation that delivers aged care, disability, mental health, and youth services to over 5,000 West Australians. Established in 1983, Rise currently works with over 300 young people with disabilities and has extensive knowledge of the barriers that young people face in gaining employment.
Essential Personnel has been providing disability employment services for over 34 years for a range of people with disability. They will utilise their experience and expertise to recruit candidates into the program by using established referral systems, while also targeting current young people who work with Rise and other disability organisations.

Find out more

Prospective organisations: Ethan De Rosa, on 0418 363 483 or ethan.derosa@risenetwork.com.au
Prospective candidates: Kath Bailey​, on 0473 910 512 or kath@essentialpersonnel.org.au

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