Urgent Support

Here is a list of contact numbers for Rise and other organisations who may be able to help you outside of business hours.

Urgent Support Contacts

Our Locations

We have several locations across the perth metro, including social centres, Rise offices and housing options.

Together we can create communities that shine.

Advocacy Services

Aged Care: Advocare - 9497 7566

Disability: PWDWA - 1800 193 331

Mental Health: Mental Health Advocacy Service - 1800 999 057

Youth: Youth Affairs Council - 1800 670 231

Translating and Interpreting Services

If you need an interpreter, you can ask us to arrange one when you call or when you attend a meeting.

Alternatively, you can contact one of the services below and ask them to help:

For people who need help with English

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National:

Aboriginal Interpreting WA: 

Office of Multicultural Industires (OMI):

For people with hearing or speech loss

Australian sign language (Auslan):

TeleType (TTY):

Speak and Listen: 

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