Rise’s Positive Behaviour Support Program has helped improve the lives of many people who are supported by our People with Disability team and externally across the Perth metro area.

Rise’s Positive Behaviour Support Team working with WAAMH

By Rise
09 May 2022
Anne Hood, Manager and Behaviour Support Practitioner at Rise, has shared her skills and experience rolling out this program with other disability service providers across WA.

Now the program is being implemented across aged care and mental health service providers.  The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) requested guidance from Anne in October last year and Anne has been assisting in running workshops with them ever since.

Anne provides advice on the practical aspects of rolling out the program and her experience with reporting in line with the National Quality and Safeguarding Framework. “It’s about seeing how we can improve the quality of life of the people that we work for and reduce restrictive practices. It can make such a difference in someone’s life. It’s about putting the person in the centre,” Anne said.

Anne has previously managed a range of disability services including the rollout of NDIA-Local Area Coordination services across the Perth south east metro. Other experience includes managing mental health, youth, homelessness, drug and alcohol, financial counselling and emergency relief services. All of this has contributed to Anne’s expertise and gratitude in working in this sector.

Listen to Anne at the WAAMH NDIS Sector Readiness Forum

Anne will be part of a Q&A Panel with representatives from the NDIS WA and the Department of Communities on Monday 16th May at Kings Park. You can join the WAAMH NDIS Sector Readiness team for a morning of engagement, learning and networking on the link below.

This event will be as COVID-19 safe as possible with an outdoor undercover venue and limited registrations to allow for effective social distancing. This event will be catered and there is no cost to attendees.

Date: Monday 16 May
Time: 9 am - 1:30 pm (including morning tea and lunch)
Location: Wildflower Pavillion, Kings Park
Cost: FREE
Registration link.
General enquiry
New client enquiry

(08) 6274 3700


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