Getting out, having a meal in a social setting and meeting new friends is an important way of staying physically and mentally fit.  Rise has six social centres open during the weekdays throughout the Perth metro area that are a great way of learning new things, visiting places of interest, meeting new people and having a nice lunch. You can view the locations here. 
Our friendly centre staff work with all of our centre visitors to make sure that activities, outings and menus are chosen by the people attending the centres and things never stay the same as they are always looking for new things to do and try.

Good friends & good times


I lost my husband, son and daughter. I live with my great-granddaughter and great-great-granddaughter.

Coming here to the club has made a big difference to my life. It’s changed my life.

I can laugh, join in with people, it’s something to look forward to. I never used to go anywhere.

We love having Betty at her southern social centre, Yirra Mia. She takes part in many of the daily outings and social activities.


Jim enjoys catching up with his mates every Tuesday. The group often head out together for lunch or a day trip.

It’s good to get out and talk to people. I get fed up staying at home. I’d rather go out and talk to the boys. We went to Carlisle Hotel last week. Yesterday fish and chips.


Shirley has just joined the social centre and enjoys sharing a cuppa and a chat.

This is my second time here. It’s good. You’re not sitting at home looking at yourself. There are nice people to talk to and it gets your brain going. It’s not so lonely now.

Would you like to attend a social centre during the day? Speak to Jemma or Monica about your specific requirements on 6274 3770 or to discuss your specific needs and to find out more. 
Social centre attendance costs can be provided under funding packages offered by the Australian Government so there is little or no cost to you. Further information is available here. 
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